GreenBlue Urban | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën


GreenBlue Urban

Adaptation to Climate Change

Technological innovation

Efficient use of resources and materials


With over twenty five years of experience, GreenBlue Urban are constantly researching and innovating to create smarter tree pit designs and SUDs compatible systems to enable public and private sector stakeholders to integrate green and blue infrastructure into the built environment. We also provide high quality training focused on the policy, design and implementation of urban greening and water management projects. We are keen to work with partners who seek to build capacities and engage in knowledge exchange to explore the means by which innovative solutions can enable the establishment of more natural infrastructure into the built form. By doing this we can mitigate against the effects of climate change, improve air quality and allow the more effect management of surface water flooding. We have technical and design expertise, we work closely with academic partners in the UK to test and monitor solutions and we are always looking to enhance the training we provide to local authorities, planners and landscape architects as well as engineers. Pan European cooperation is essential to our mission statement,.

Creation date: 22/09/2017

Bloc onglets

Bloc 1


GreenBlue Urban

Compass Park
East Sussex
TN32 5SB
United Kingdom

East Sussex

Bloc 2

Type of actor


Bloc 3

Interest to cooperate

We are happy to cooperate with partners who are seeking to explore the ways in which green infrastructure, constructed ecosystems can help us to meet some of the serious challenges facing all member states such as flooding, the increasing heat of our towns and cities and the impact of human activity on air and water quality. We believe that this transects a number of topic areas.

Bloc 4

Experience in INTERREG project?


Bloc 5


We are currently working on the Water Resilient Cities project lead by Plymouth City Council. Our Arborflow system, a SUDs compatible engineered tree pit solution will be trialled in five strategic locations. We are also leading the establishment of a network of private and public sector organisations with an interest in retrofitting strategic SUDs.